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Toddler Development

6 questions to ask : Toddler Tantrum Ep.4

6 questions to ask to find out why your toddler gets aggressive In the first article of this series Toddler Tantrum Ep.1 : Why toddlers...

How to respond when your toddler becomes aggressive? : Toddler Tantrum Ep.3

Toddler tantrum and aggression I remember the first time when I had to calm down a toddler who threw a massive tantrum, dropped herself onto...

How to prevent biting, kicking and hitting? : Toddler tantrum Ep.2

In our previous episode we talked about why toddlers can get aggressive sometimes and in this episode, I will give you some tips on...

Why toddlers get aggressive? : Toddler Tantrum Ep.1

Why toddlers get aggressive? Children’s physical aggression peaks between the ages of 2 and 4, this is why many parents and teachers call this period...

Is your toddler a fussy eater? Find out the reason why

Is your toddler a fussy eater? Let's find out why! Don’t worry. Being fussy, refusing food is a normal stage of their development. They are less...

Why are toddlers so hyper sometimes? 5 Fascinating Facts about Toddlers

Why are toddlers so hyper sometimes? 5 Fascinating Facts about Toddlers 1. Hand preference Most 1-year-olds are ambidextrous, meaning they use both their hands equally. Your toddler...

What can toddlers learn through play?

What can toddlers learn through play? 5 quick reads for busy parents 1. Voice of Play - Benefits of play This article seems to cover all of...

3 Types of Parents at Potty Training

3 Types of Parents at Potty Training Which one are you? A new beginning Potty training. One of the most exciting parts of a toddler's life! I know, I...

TOP TIPS – When to start potty training?

When should I start potty training my toddler? There is no standard age at which a child is ready to start using the potty. But...

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